Financial & Health Care Decision Support In Massachusetts
Andrew Bucklin is the #1 trusted Attorney on the North Shore to provide Elder Law and Estate Planning expertise, which will ensure that you and your family are protected in the future. Having estate planning documents in place before they become necessary is the key. Here are a few:
Health Care Proxy
A Health Care Proxy (HCP) is a legal instrument that grants you the ability to appoint a trusted individual as your representative to make critical medical decisions on your behalf if you ever find yourself unable to express your healthcare preferences. This document essentially functions as a specialized form of Power of Attorney, focusing on medical treatment and end-of-life choices. It plays a crucial role in ensuring that your healthcare needs and desires are respected and followed, particularly when you may be incapacitated or unable to communicate effectively with medical professionals. By naming a Health Care Proxy, you are proactively safeguarding your rights and values regarding your healthcare and end-of-life care, providing you and your loved ones peace of mind in challenging times.
Durable Power Of Attorney
A Durable Power Of Attorney (DPOA) is a legal document with the same idea as the Health Care Proxy, except that the DPOA allows an appointed agent to handle financial and other matters for you. Unlike the HCP, a DPOA becomes a legally binding instrument when you sign it. A signed DPOA is effective immediately, allowing your attorney-in-fact to do things for you that you could normally do for yourself. Examples are signing documents for you, banking, and other affairs.
Having these two documents during your lifetime will provide you and your family with peace of mind and confidence going forward.
Alternatives To A Health Care Proxy
A Guardianship is the only alternative if a Health Care Proxy is not in place. Guardianships require petitioning the Probate Court to be appointed. The person petitioning the Court may not be the same person that the incapacitated person would want to have control of their healthcare. Court proceedings are expensive and time-consuming and require a Guardian to submit reports and adhere to legal requirements that the proposed Guardian may not have any knowledge of a Guardian’s responsibilities.
Compare being able to personally select the person who will act with your wishes in mind at minimal cost against a court-appointed person who may not act according to pre-discussed wishes for health care decisions with significant expenses and legal requirements.
Contact Attorney Andrew Bucklin For Trusted Long-Term Care Planning In Massachusetts
Attorney Andrew Bucklin will help your family navigate through the complicated Elder Law practices. Located in Essex County, I serve all of the North Shore and Greater Boston. If you have questions about elder law and long-term care planning that Attorney Bucklin provides, call us at 781-632-8675 or contact us online via our website.