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Durable Power Of Attorney In Greater Boston, Massachusetts

A Power Of Attorney authorizes someone else to handle matters on behalf of someone else. The Durable Power of Attorney is one of the most critical documents in a situation where individuals cannot care for themselves. The Durable Power of Attorney stays in effect when an individual becomes mentally incapacitated. It's important to note that the person making the Durable Power of Attorney can make the document very specific or broad. Power of attorney can authorize another individual to handle healthcare and personal finances and sell a house or car on behalf of another individual. This person can even sign other legal documents if given the go-ahead from the original individual. The main difference between a regular Power of Attorney and a Durable Power of Attorney is that a standard copy terminates as soon as the individual becomes mentally incapacitated, let's say, for example, Alzheimer's disease.​ It's important to note that all parties must be mentally competent before this process begins while signing the documents.

Trust Attorney Bucklin To Handle Your Durable Power Of Attorney Needs


Drafting and signing a Durable Power of Attorney document is not a task for the average person. When going through this process, an orientated and time-efficient attorney must always be with you. This allows for no loose ends, fewer moving parts, and better document knowledge. Depending on the authorization of healthcare vs. personal finances, separate forms must also be made. Andrew Bucklin will always be next to you, helping you through this complicated situation and providing the attention to detail needed to complete this job at a high level.

What Is A Health Care Proxy?


A health care proxy is a legal designation under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) that safeguards patient privacy and limits health care providers' disclosure of medical information. It involves appointing a trusted individual to access relevant health care details and make medical decisions when the patient cannot. This proxy does not have unrestricted access to the patient's complete medical history. The proxy document should outline preferences for medical treatments and life-saving measures, with a copy stored at the patient's skilled nursing facility. For comprehensive elder law and estate planning services in Lynn, Boston, and Northern Massachusetts, contact Attorney Andrew Bucklin at 781-632-8675 or online to schedule a free consultation.

Contact Andrew Bucklin for Assistance With Durable Power of Attorney in Massachusetts


If you are faced with a loved one growing old or losing their competency, It's better to act sooner rather than later. This will save you time, money, and stress down the road. Attorney Bucklin is a compassionate, caring lawyer who will navigate you through the Power of Attorney process and educate you every step of the way. He leaves no doubt that every detail will be explained exactly how you want it to be. Attorney Bucklin has spent years guiding his beloved clients through this process and has seen everything. For help with Durable Power of Attorney, call attorney Bucklin at 781-632-8675 or contact him directly on his website.

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